Tips To Prepare SSC MTS Course

Candidates who applied for the Staff Selection Commission’s (SSC) Multi Tasking Staff (Non-Technical) MTS vacancies are awaiting exam dates. Although the exam dates have not yet been announced, they will be announced soon on the Staff Selection Commission’s official website (SSC).
The SSC MTS Paper-1 2022 exam is planned for June 2022, individuals interested in this recruitment drive must start learning for the next exam as soon as possible. We will go over the SSC MTS Course Syllabus and Exam Pattern for the year 2022 Exam in detail in this article. Reasoning Ability, Numerical Aptitude, English Language, and General Awareness are the four parts of the SSC MTS Syllabus. This article includes sections on the SSC MTS Syllabus, as well as the number of questions expected from each topic, the weightage of these questions, and how to approach them, which are all detailed in this page.
Selection Process
The follows will be the selection process for MTS positions:-
- Computer Based Examination ( Part- I)
- Descriptive Paper ( Part- II)
Exam Pattern
SSC MTS Paper-1
Online Paper-I is a objective type
- SSC MTS Paper-I is divided into four sections, each of which contains 100 questions for 100 points….
Parts | Subject | Questions/ Marks |
Part-A | General Intelligence & Reasoning | 25/25 |
Part-B | Numerical Aptitude | 25/25 |
Part-C | General English | 25/25 |
Part-D | General Awareness | 25/25 |
- SSC MTS Paper -1 takes 1.5 hours (90 minutes) to complete and 2 hours (120 minutes) for visually impaired candidates.
- In the SSC MTS Exam, each incorrect answer will result in a 0.25 point deduction.
- For Parts A, B, and D of the SSC MTS Exam, questions will be set in both English and Hindi.
SSC MTS Paper- 2
Paper- II Conventional Type
Subject | Marks | Time |
Short Essay/Letter in English or any language included in the 8th schedule of the constitution | 50 | 30 Minutes |
will be descriptive, requiring the candidate to write a brief essay/letter in English or any of the languages included in the Constitution’s 8th schedule.
Only eligible questions will be asked.
will be held only for those candidates who meet the Commission’s cut-offs in Paper-I for various categories.
Essential Points To Remember For SSC MTS Course
Tips for SSC MTS General Intelligence and Reasoning
Considering the major factors considered, questions on ‘General Intelligence and Reasoning’ will be non-verbal.
- This area is quite important in terms of grading, so applicants should pay special attention to it.
- Reasoning and general intelligence There will be 25 questions for a total of 25 marks.
- Questions of a non-verbal nature would be included.
- Questions will be asked to assess the candidate’s ability to cope with abstract ideas and symbols and their relationships, as well as arithmetical computation and other analytical functions.
Tips for SSC MTS Numerical Aptitude
Questions on numerical aptitude will be simple, to the point where an average matriculate will be able to answer them with difficulty.
- Candidates are recommended to save time in the Reasoning, English, and General Awareness sections because the problems in these sections take longer to solve.
- Numerical Aptitude will be scored on a scale of 25 points/questions.
- Don’t spend too much time on a single question. Solve each question on its own merits.
Tips for English Language
Questions on English Language will be straightforward, at a level that an average matriculate may easily answer.
- Candidates should concentrate more on specific themes in this stage.
- There will be 25 marks/questions in English Language.
- Candidates are advised not to underestimate the importance of the English section in scoring marks in the written exam.
Important Points While Preparing For SSC MTS Course Exam
- Give important things a higher priority.
- Exam-related news and articles can be found here.
- Make a regular timetable/schedule for preparing for your exams.
- Make study notes while preparing for the exam.
- Reread all of the important points several times.
- Regularly administer online SSC MTS mock test.
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