Keeping horse cool with barn misting systems

When the temperature is up, humans need to deal with it, but our horses also need to face this challenge for which we need a barn misting system. A livestock misting system uses a pump set to pressurize the water, spray 10-20 microns of mist through the nozzle, absorb the surrounding heat, quickly cool the surrounding temperature by 5-15 degrees and help the horses to dissipate heat quickly.
The harm of heat to horses
When a horse is running, muscle movement not only produces energy, but heat is also its main by-product, and the heat produced is proportional to the horse’s work intensity. Unlike dogs, they can cool down by constantly sticking their tongue out. Therefore, a horse will sweat profusely if it exercises a little bit. We can see that the consequences will be severe if the horse can’t sweat and the heat can’t dissipate. People can burn just like a high fever, but how about horses? The best way to relieve is to take the horse to a cool place as soon as possible, quickly cool down, and add electrolytes if necessary.
Pay attention to cooling after horse exercise
Of the energy stored in horses, only 20%-30% uses for muscle contraction and mechanical work, and the remaining 70%-80% is lost as heat in the metabolism. The accumulation of heat can effectively control the body temperature of horses during and after exercise to prevent them from getting sick. When the temperature rises to 41 or 42 degrees, side effects will occur, such as heat stroke, and it is very likely to suffer from symptoms such as heart disease and dehydration, making it difficult for the horse. If not treated in time, these symptoms will develop worse. That is, horses can’t regulate their temperature, which will eventually lead to multiple organ dysfunctions, including kidney and liver failure, abnormal heartbeat, and in severe cases, death.
Feel the heat in a time
When the weather suddenly becomes hot, it is not easy to detect traces of heatstroke in the horses. 10-20 minutes after the end of the race, if the horse has not recovered, and is accompanied by tremor, weakness, loss of environmental awareness, heartbeat, and increased breathing rate, it indicates that the horse is exhausted and is in danger of heat stress. If the rectal temperature continues to rise after the game, this is a sign of heat stress and may develop into heatstroke. In more severe cases, horses can’t sweat and are unwilling to drink or walk, leading to depression and physical breakdown.
Correctly help the horse cool down
In high-temperature weather, the ideal way to help a horse cool down is to use a barn misting system. This system uses high-pressure pumps to generate mist and natural wind to cool the area. It will get the best effect when the fog develops in a room with good airflow. The barn misting system relies on a central pump connected to the water supply system. The best of these designs allows them to seal to prevent dust, rodents, moisture, and corrosion damage. Some misting devices also have time control systems, so you can choose when to spray and spray horse-friendly insecticides to control flies in the barn area. Most misting systems amplify the water pressure beyond the pressure you usually get from a city water supply system or water well to achieve mist effect.
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