Brain Tumors, Types of Brain Tumors and cures

No one likes to hear the word tumor. It is a scary and challenging monster that just pops up in some people’s lives. To make matters worse is often times even hear the word Brain Cancer because it is so specific. We are going to explore the kinds of brain tumors, symptoms, and cures. I do want to add that not all brain tumors are cancerous, however, some are. Sometimes these things can really shake our world.
In the United States, brain and nervous system tumors affect about 30 adults out of 100,000. Brain tumors are dangerous because they can put pressure on healthy parts of the brain or spread into those areas. Some brain tumors can also be cancerous or become cancerous. They can cause problems if they block the flow of fluid around the brain, which can lead to an increase in pressure inside the skull. Some types of tumors can spread through the spinal fluid to distant areas of the brain or the spine.
Brain Tumors, Types of Brain Tumors, and cures
A tumor is basically a large clump of cells that gather in a certain part of your body. In this case, the cells gather in your brain. Some may begin in your brain or if it is cancerous, may have spread there from another part of your body. Tumors that begin in the brain are called Primary Brain Tumors and the ones that have spread are called Metastatic. Today there are approximately 15 different kinds of tumors of the brain that we know of. We will be touching base on some of these.
Symptoms are the signs that lead medical doctors to run tests and get the diagnoses. Some symptoms of brain tumors are; vision problems (such as double or blurred), balance issues, nausea, vomiting, headaches that change frequency or patterns, confusion, fatigue, speech problems, a slow gradual loss of arm or leg sensation, and more. If you have any of these symptoms please see a doctor to discuss them.
Glioblastoma is a cancerous tumor that forms in the astrocytes or star-shaped cells of the brain. This affects the nervous system of the body. Diagnoses is done with a neuro exam, CT scan, MRI, and biopsy. However, there is not a known cure for this tumor. Keto diet, chemotherapy, radiation, or surgery are used to treat.
Though it is rare, Glioma is a tumor that develops in the brain or the spinal cord. Family history and if you are 60 years and older it could be a factor in your chances of getting it. It is diagnosed with a neuro exam to test hearing, reflexes, balance, and vision. PET scans, MRI’s and stereotactic needle biopsy. The needle biopsy is when the specialist drills a hole into the skull and inserts a thin needle to obtain a tissue sample. Alkaline and protein-rich foods are the best diets. Anticonvulsants, chemotherapy, and target drug therapy are treatments for Glioma tumors.
Meningioma tumors are noncancerous and more common in females over the age of 60. This tumor is also very rare with less than 20,000 cases reported. Symptoms for this tumor are the same as above but can also include the ringing of the ears and even a loss of smell. If it is not promptly treated a person could experience a hard time concentrating, develop seizures, and even begin to have personality changes. Causes are not always known but Meningioma can be caused by a fracture to the skull, high BMI or obesity, exposure to radiation therapies, or genetic disorders like neurofibromatosis type 2. Because this is not cancerous, treatment is different. Treatment includes; craniotomy, stereotactic radiosurgery, intensity modeled radiation therapy, or proton beam radiation.
Primary Brain vs. Metastatic Brain Tumors
Primary brain tumors are tumors that start in the brain. Examples of tumors that most often originate in the brain include meningioma and glioma. Very rarely, these tumors can break away and spread to other parts of the brain and spinal cord. More commonly, tumors spread to the brain from other parts of the body.
Metastatic brain tumors, also called secondary brain tumors, are malignant tumors that originate as cancer elsewhere in the body and then metastasize (spread) to the brain. Metastatic brain tumors are about four times more common than primary brain tumors. They can grow rapidly, crowding or invading nearby brain tissue.
If you experience any of the symptoms above please seek medical attention right away to seek the best treatment.