5 eMTBs to super-charge your stoke for 2022

The electric sector of mountain biking is undergoing rapid development. Each year, the bikes get better and more enjoyable to ride. The 2022 range of bikes are now more diverse than ever.
Since the days of assisted riding, electric mountain bikes have advanced a lot. There is a big gap between the old clunky, heavy eMTBs that were difficult to ride and the modern eMTB. New bikes have just been released. They are designed to meet the requirements of electric bikes but still retain the feel and trail feel of unassisted bikes. They are more similar to normal mountain bikes than ever before and they are getting lighter each year.
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5 eMTBs to super-charge your stoke
Norco Sight VLT
Norco completed a complete redesign of its VLT-eMTB line in 2022. This included adding Fluid to the line and updating Range and Sight. The Sight VLT is the most versatile mid-travel bike of the three. The Range VLT is a great big mountain/enduro bike, but we’ve had some time with the Sight VLT. It covers everything, from smooth trails to more difficult terrain. Norco has added removable batteries and now offers three battery sizes to help you choose the one that suits your needs.
Rocky Mountain – Altitude Powerplay C70
Rocky Mountain is another Canadian brand that has put serious effort into its eMTB. The Powerplay line now includes the quieter Dyname4.0 drive system. Rocky Mountain designed it specifically for off-road riding. The new bikes have a more regular appearance thanks to their slimmer tubes and smaller motors. Smart parts selection, such as pre-installed CushCore tires inserts on the Altitude Powerplay are also smart enough to meet the increased demands of eMTB riding. The Altitude Powerplay offers a longer travel option while the Instinct Powerplay can handle trail riding. Its analog sibling the Altitude, the Altitude has excellent balance and adjustable geometry that make it capable of riding on some of the most challenging trails.
Liv Intrigue E+ 2
Liv increased the Intrigue X E+’s capacity by a significant margin over the Intrigue E+ model. The updated eMTB boasts a 625Wh lithium battery to power the 80Nm Yamaha Giant SynchDrive Promotor. The Intrigue E+ was an excellent trial tool. The Intrigue X E+ allows for more adventures and longer distances.
Trek Rail 9.8 & 9.9
Trek did not overhaul the Rail eMTB lines, but it did improve the top-end. Madison, Wisc.’s Rail 9.8 and Rail 9.9 were the top-selling eMTBs. The brand’s eMTB range features a more powerful geometry that was inspired by the Slash Enduro Bicycle. Bosh Smart System powers the two new models. You can also remove the drop-out battery easily and get top-end parts to super-charge your bike.
Specialized Turbo Levo
Morgan Hill was one of the first to take the electric train, and it shows. Specialized has a variety of eMTBs, including the standard-powered Turbo Levo models and the lightweight SL models. The Turbo Levo is inspired by the human-powered Stumpjumper EVO. It also features an adjustable chainstay length. Specialized offers the Turbo Levo only with a 27.5″ rear wheel and a 29″ front wheel. This allows for better handling and cornering. The Turbo Levo’s belt-driven motor is quieter than most of its rivals, which means you can hear more nature and less whirring while riding.
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